This Wine Could Make You Cry.
It's just that good. A high caliber wine that is soft, gentle, and melodious. Like it's sibling from the Napa line, its color is unexpectedly light - Chablis-like. Made predominately of Carneros fruit, you could drink it through your nose. Smooth in the throat, soft, round, and so giving. Perfect balance in all respects. Tastes expensive. A wine that could stand up to serious food and which should be appreciated at room temp. $40

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It's just that good. A high caliber wine that is soft, gentle, and melodious. Like it's sibling from the Napa line, its color is unexpectedly light - Chablis-like. Made predominately of Carneros fruit, you could drink it through your nose. Smooth in the throat, soft, round, and so giving. Perfect balance in all respects. Tastes expensive. A wine that could stand up to serious food and which should be appreciated at room temp. $40

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