Weekly Roundup - 5 Mini Reviews

To round out this week we've got a handful of quick reviews for you.  All reds.  All different.  None of these are real jaw-droppers, but the Genesis comes close - and they're all in the $10-15 range...Great mid-week wines.  Enjoy.
2007 Hogue Genesis Meritage - Unapologetically Merlot-driven with tannins coarse enough to cut through a ribeye, but not like sandpaper.  Great aromatics.  Not the most polished, biggest, most balanced, or richest blend on the market. But, look, it's $15 - and a classy wine at that price.

2006 Sawbuck Malbec Yolo County - Big, rich, syrah-like nose and beautiful shimmer in the glass.  Nice initial spice, but the bottom kind of drops out of it midway through.  Still, it's got loose, free-flowing flavors and none of Malbec's astringent qualities.  Not bad for a sawbuck.  $10

NV Promisqous - More marketing and packaging than substance, but a kitchen sink red that'll do the job.  What your Italian Uncle's wine might've tasted like if he ever got his hands on decent grapes (and knew what he was doing).  Don't expect any kind of depth or meaning to it, but fine for a Tuesday night to quiet the ringing sound of crying kids. $11

2007 Columbia Crest Horse Heaven Hills Cabernet - Accessible and friendly easy drinker.  If this were a sweater, it'd be polartech, not merino.  Round, dark, and lingering flavors - pleasant, but nothing outrageous.  A good Tuesday night wine with pot roast. $11

2005 Cantine Antonio Caggiano Aglianico Tari - A food wine that exudes Italian character.  Slightly brackish, but more enjoyable after the first glass.  Not as ripe and gregarious as most Aglianicos. $14.