Dear Bordeaux,
Sorry I haven't been in touch more recently. I haven't been ignoring you, I had just forgotten about you. You see, the bright lights and dazzle of the New World youngsters is bewitching and distracting. But last night, there you were; modest, patient, and quietly waiting. Thank you for being there like the old friend that you are.
Hard to believe that it's been 12 years since you've breathed fresh air, but even harder to believe how those years have benefited your grace. That mold under the foil? Bah. That's like the wrinkles at the corners of a woman's eyes; nature's way of signaling wisdom. And your restrained alcohol level...12.5%? At your age, you don't need to shout to get your point across. What a pleasant change of pace.
Sure, your pedigree is nothing to boast about, but how you delivered so far beyond your $10 price point. Our time together was short, but the companionable atmosphere of our visit lingers in my chest and on my tongue. You are no longer forgotten and I promise not to stray too far for too long.
Until next time, Bordeaux. I will be thinking of you.
Hard to believe that it's been 12 years since you've breathed fresh air, but even harder to believe how those years have benefited your grace. That mold under the foil? Bah. That's like the wrinkles at the corners of a woman's eyes; nature's way of signaling wisdom. And your restrained alcohol level...12.5%? At your age, you don't need to shout to get your point across. What a pleasant change of pace.
Sure, your pedigree is nothing to boast about, but how you delivered so far beyond your $10 price point. Our time together was short, but the companionable atmosphere of our visit lingers in my chest and on my tongue. You are no longer forgotten and I promise not to stray too far for too long.
Until next time, Bordeaux. I will be thinking of you.