It's been a redeeming week of wine sampling, with a couple of actionable discoveries. The GMS might require a search, but will reward your inner wine geek. On the other hand, the affable Cotes du Rhone Blanc should be pretty widely available - get ready to fall in love with that smoking bargain. Also, don't miss the cautionary notes regarding the Bogle's new Pinot Noir and La Crema's Monterey bottling. Some wineries are changing their recipes and delivering half the wines while maintaining pricing. An educated buyer is a happy drinker...
2011 Schild Estate GMS Barossa $15
Without a doubt the most exciting wine I've had in months. Also the most surprising. From the same Australian winery that got itself into hot water after bottling more Shiraz under the same label the Spectator gave lots of points to, this off the beaten path blend is light in body and density, but extremely expansive in flavor. What makes it special is its Pinot Noir-like qualities: smoke, delicate fruit framed by intricate acidity, and a tarryness typically found only in coastal, higher altitude vineyards. Were I to taste of this blind, I would guess at a $60 or more Pinot Noir from Sonoma Coast.
2011 Schild Estate GMS Barossa $15

2013 Famille Perrin Cotes du Rhone Blanc $10
Destined to be a house white all summer long. Bright, lively, and energetic, this refreshing blend puts a smile on your face. Plenty of fruit and a nice touch of grip round out this sensational bargain.
2013 Bogle Pinot Noir California $12
What a difference a year makes. The prior vintage of this wine over delivers by a multiple factor. On the other hand, the 2013 is a simple, one dimensional fruit brick that promises a morning after headache. Grab the 2012 if you see it!
2009 Clarendelle Bordeaux $20
Nice bang for the buck in this shapely, full-bodied red. Already approaching six years old, it has both the structure and the stuffing to go some distance.
2013 La Crema Chardonnay Monterey County $17
While it's can't hold a candle to the recently reviewed Sonoma Coast bottling, this tropically infused Chard is well made, if overpriced by a few dollars.